gd55光大彩票 Selection and adjustment of torque for fixed torque electric wrench
gd55光大彩票 1、用户可在50-3500N.m的范围内任意选择相应规格的
1. Users can freely choose the corresponding specifications within the range of 50-3500N. m
Fixed torque electric wrench.
gd55光大彩票 2、控制仪面板上有“扭矩调解旋钮"。刻有0-10个刻度值。细调旋钮的作用是在粗调两档之间进行调节补偿,以扭矩控制精度。(见后页)
gd55光大彩票 2. There is a "torque adjustment knob" on the control panel. It is engraved with 0-10 scale values. The function of the fine adjustment knob is to adjust and compensate between the coarse adjustment and coarse adjustment, in order to control the accuracy of torque. (See next page)
gd55光大彩票 3、调节方法:国产品出厂时带有扭矩测试数据卡片,供用户标定时参考,用户可根据所需扭矩选择某一刻度值,按拧紧螺栓的操作方法,拧紧螺栓,用测力扳手或其它测力仪器测出螺栓的实际扭矩值,若扭矩相差较小,可用细调加以补偿,若相差较大,可将粗调向上或向下调一档,反复几次即可获得所需扭矩值。
3. Adjustment method: Chinese products come with torque test data cards at the factory for users to refer to during calibration. Users can select a certain scale value based on the required torque, tighten the bolt according to the operation method, and measure the actual torque value of the bolt with a force wrench or other force measuring instrument. If the torque difference is small, fine adjustment can be used to compensate. If the difference is large, coarse adjustment can be adjusted up or down by one gear, and repeated several times to obtain the required torque value.
gd55光大彩票 定扭矩电动扳手螺栓的拧紧操作
gd55光大彩票 Tightening operation of bolts with fixed torque electric wrench
gd55光大彩票 1. Install the reaction bracket and tighten the screws. Start the host, align the square pin hole with the reaction bracket hole, then install the wrench socket, insert the pin, and fix it with a rubber ring.
gd55光大彩票 2. Adjust the torque knob of the controller to the desired torque value, turn the positive and negative switches of the host to the positive rotation position, and insert the wrench socket onto the hexagonal threaded connector.
gd55光大彩票 3. Press the power switch to activate the wrench. When the force arm of the reaction bracket is firmly attached to the bracket (the fulcrum can be an adjacent bolt or other position that can serve as a fulcrum), the bolt begins to tighten. When the bolt torque reaches the predetermined torque, the wrench automatically stops, the tightening is completed, the power switch is released, and the next bolt tightening work is carried out.
gd55光大彩票 4、扳手自动停止后,靠反力支架的弹性形变力,使支架力臂自动脱离支点,取下扳手。如力臂不能脱离支点时,可拨动正反开关,点动电源开关扳手即可取下。
gd55光大彩票 4. After the wrench stops automatically, the elastic deformation force of the reaction bracket causes the bracket arm to automatically detach from the fulcrum and remove the wrench. If the lever arm cannot detach from the pivot point, the forward and reverse switches can be turned, and the power switch wrench can be used to remove it.
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